If an error should arise, the Rest API will return the appropriate Error code with the request, the Rest API will also return the appropriate HTTP status code.
Code | Name | Description |
701 | CREATED | The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. |
702 | ACCEPTED | The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a resource being updated. |
703 | ACCEPTED | The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a resource being deleted. |
704 | BADREQUEST | The request did not contain valid json |
705 | DUPLICATE | Duplicate data has been sent. |
800 | ACCESS DENIED | A request was made to a resource that you do not have ownership of. |
801 | ACCESS DENIED | Access Token not passed |
802 | ACCESS DENIED | Invalid Access Token |
900 | NOT IMPLEMENTED | The requested resource not implemented |
901 | OK | The request returned zero results. |
902 | INVALID JSON | The search string does not contain valid json |
903 | INVALID SEARCH PARAMS | The search parameters are invalid |
904 | Not Searchable | The request does not allow passing searchable parameters. |
1000 | INVALID ARGUMENTS | The request did not contain required parameters to complete |
1001 | INVALID ARGUMENTS | The request contained parameters that did not pass validation |
1002 | CONFLICT | The request not created because it is not unique |
1003 | NOT MODIFIED | The resource not modified |
1004 | DEPENDENCY | The resource has dependencies that need to be removed first. |
1005 | BADREQUEST | The request did not contain any valid parameters to fulfill the request. |
1006 | EXTERNAL DEPENDENCY | The request could not be completed currently due to an external system being unavailable. |